Counseling FAQs
What is counseling? Counseling is a confidential and interactive process that allows you to explore personal, social and emotional issues and concerns with a mental health professional. Through psychotherapy (or talk therapy) and other therapeutic interventions, you will gain insight and personal growth.
How do I know I should utilize Counseling Center services? Everyone experiences challenges in life that can potentially cause personal distress. If you want to improve your quality of life, reduce anxiety and stress, increase self-awareness or manage an existing mental health condition, the Counseling Center can help. The Center specializes in assisting Donnelly College students with various psychological and personal issues such as depression, relationships, stress and suicidal thoughts. Note: If the situation is an emergency that is life threatening, directly contact the Counseling Center, Campus Security at (913) 433-3350, or call 911 immediately for help.
How can I make an appointment? Contact the Counseling Center by phone at (913) 621-8781, email, or submit your request through the online form to make an appointment.
What are the Counseling Center’s hours? During fall and spring semesters, the Counseling Center is open Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. During summer, the Counseling Center is open Monday through Thursday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., and is closed on Friday. Evening hours made by appointment only.
Who can go to counseling and what does it cost? Counseling Center services are provided free of charge to currently enrolled Donnelly students, staff and faculty.
What can I expect from my first session(s) with the counselor? In addition to filling out some paperwork to register for counseling services, you will also be asked about your personal/medical history, why you are seeking counseling and any current symptoms you may be experiencing. This information is gathered through interview and assessment tools with your counselor which is essential toward determining the appropriate treatment.
Will my friends, family or professors know I am going to counseling? No. Confidentiality is based on professional and ethical practices by way of state and federal laws. Unless you sign a release through the Center for a specific person or agency, your information is private. In the rare occasion that your safety or the safety of others is in question, information can be released. Please see the confidentiality policy within the disclosure form.
What if I’m not sure about starting counseling? If you are unsure about counseling, call (913) 621-8781 for a personal consultation. You may also contact the Center with any additional general questions.
How do I make a referral for someone I am concerned about? If you are concerned about someone on campus, you can refer him or her to the Counseling Center. Here are some tips and guidelines when making a referral. Remember to be supportive, but also that counseling in general is voluntary. As with many personal decisions in life, counseling works best when someone is ready to take that step. Related: How do I make a referral as a faculty or staff member?