Strategic Plan 2017-2022


Donnelly College has re-envisioned its current Strategic Plan framework by realigning the plan with the College’s Mission, Vision and Values while using accepted criteria for assessing excellence in higher education as established by the Higher Learning Commission (HLC).

The HLC criterion for accreditation was utilized as a framework for each core:

  • Mission
  • Integrity – Ethical and Responsible Conduct
  • Teaching and Learning – Quality, Resources, and Support
  • Teaching and Learning – Evaluation and Improvement
  • Resources, Planning, and Institutional Effectiveness

The strategic planning process was developed using the Plan-Do-Study-Act model of strategic planning with permission from Miami Dade College. Information was gathered to identify the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT), of the institution from key stakeholders, including faculty, staff, students, Board of Directors, and industry advisory board members. A focus group of Student Senate leadership provided input and evaluation of the College’s program and support services. A Strategic Planning Task Force consisting of faculty and staff was established to review the data collected, HLC Criteria for Accreditation, and HLC Assumed Practices to define the institutional goals.

Connecting the Goals to the Criteria for Accreditation

HLC Criteria

Goal 1

Goal 2

Goal 3

Goal 4

Goal 5

Goal 6

Goal 7

Goal 8

Goal 9

Goal 10
























































Approved by the Board of Directors on May 3, 2017.

Strategic Initiatives and Action Plans

Priority One – Academic and Co-Curricular Excellence

Initiative 1.1: The College will actively participate in the cultural and scholarly development of our students.

Action Plan Start Date Completion
Cost Responsibility Performance Indicator

A. Host two major events each year that present on topics that are relevant, engaging, and that focus on the development of the whole student and cultivate a community spirit. 

Fall 2017 Spring 2022 $7,500/year VP of Academic and Student Affairs

AY17-18: 2 events

AY18-19: 2 events

AY19-20: 2 events

AY20-21: 2 events

AY21-22: 2 events

B. Enhance annual co-curricular and extra-curricular student activities, e.g. student clubs and intramurals. 

Fall 2017  Spring 2022 $5,000/year Director of Student Success

Student Satisfaction Surveys show increased ratings and participation in co-curricular activities each year (30 Thursdays, Intramurals, and cultural celebrations)

C. Conduct annual multicultural event.

Fall 2017 Spring 2022 $1,000/year Director of Student Success

Student Satisfaction Survey will show increased ratings and participation each year

D. Sponsor five cultural and academic student workshops per academic year.

Fall 2018 Spring 2022 $1,500/year VP of Academic and Student Affairs 

AY18-19: 5 events

AY19-20: 5 events

AY20-21: 5 events

AY21-22: 5 events

Initiative 1.2: The College will use assessment data to develop curricula and programs.

Action Plan Start Date Completion
Cost Responsibility Performance Indicator

A. Develop a framework to collect and analyze assessment data to inform continuous program improvement.

Fall 2017 Fall 2018 $2,000 Assessment Council
  1. Framework developed.
  2. Framework implemented.
  3. Framework assessed for effectiveness.

B. Offer hybrid courses in each academic program.

Fall 2017 Spring 2021 $26,000 Academic Chairperson

AY18-19: 2 courses in IT/IS

AY18-19: 2 courses in OL

AY19-20: 2 courses in LAS

AY20-21: 1 course in NU

C. Strengthen pathways in STEM and Pre-Engineering by establishing articulation agreements with three other institutions.

Fall 2018 Fall 2020 N/A

Academic Chairperson

VP of Academic and Student Affairs

Fall 2018: 1 agreement signed

Fall 2019: 1 agreement signed

Fall 2020: 1 agreement signed

D. In consultation with the Archdiocese, oversee an academic pre-theology program for potential seminary students.

Fall 2017 Fall 2019 $12,000/year VP of Academic and Student Affairs

Courses developed.

Program approved.

Program offered.

Initiative 1.3: The College will implement a thriving campus ministry program.

Action Plan Start Date Completion
Cost Responsibility Performance Indicator

A. Foster a dynamic Sacramental life for students, staff and faculty by offering daily mass, weekly confessions, and other devotional opportunities.

Fall 2017

Spring 2022


VP of Spirituality and Mission

Increase participation in Campus Ministry activities by 50% annually.

B. Facilitate Catechesis and Biblical studies for members of the Donnelly community.

Fall 2017

Spring 2022


VP of Spirituality and Mission

Conduct two bible study series annually (1 per semester)

C. Pastoral outreach to students seeking full integration into the Church by holding an annual RCIA program suitable for college students.

Spring 2018

Spring 2022


VP of Spirituality and Mission

Campus Ministry Student Survey developed.

Administer Campus Ministry Survey at all Orientations and to all returning students in Fall 2018.

Administer Campus Ministry Survey to all new students annually beginning in 2019-20.

D. Sponsor and support a thriving Pro-Life Club.

Fall 2017

Spring 2022


VP of Spirituality and Mission

Hold regular Pro-Life Club meetings.

Annually attend March for Life in Washington, D.C.

Offer a local pro-life activity each academic year.

E. Provide regular semester meetings for students, staff and faculty interested in aspects of campus ministry programming.

Fall 2017 Spring 2022 $200/year VP of Spirituality and Mission

Organize monthly meetings for Community during academic year. (6 annually)

F. Hold ministry events each semester targeted to specific demographics or campus-wide participation.

Fall 2017 Spring 2022 $2,000/year VP of Spirituality and Mission

Sponsor two events annually

Initiative 1.4: The College will develop an internal and external communication plan.

Action Plan Start Date Completion
Cost Responsibility Performance Indicator

A. Highlight successes and accomplishments of students and alumni.

Summer 2018

Spring 2022


Director of Marketing


Add external e-mail communication channel.

Maintain media channels currently in place: internal email, external print, web and social.

Formalize internal framework to identify accomplishments in need of highlighting.

B. Highlight employee successes and accomplishments.

Fall 2017

Spring 2022


Director of Marketing


Add external e-mail communication channel.

Maintain media channels currently in place: internal email, external print, web and social.

Formalize internal framework to identify accomplishments in need of highlighting.

C. Promote the accomplishments, priorities and goals of the College.

Summer 2018

Spring 2022


Director of Marketing


Add external e-mail communication channel.

Maintain media channels currently in place: internal email, external print, web and social.

Formalize internal framework to identify accomplishments in need of highlighting.

Priority Two – Faculty and Staff Development

Initiative 2.1: The College will manage staffing levels sufficient for institutional needs.

Action Plan Start Date Completion
Cost Responsibility Performance Indicator

A. Develop new employee orientation and on-boarding process.

Spring 2018

Spring 2019


VP of Business Affairs/HR

Spring 2018: on-boarding and off-boarding checklist developed

Fall 2019: orientation developed

Spring 2019: orientation implemented

B. Standardize annual evaluations for all faculty and staff.

Fall 2017

Spring 2018


VP of Business Affairs

VP of Academic and Student Affairs

Evaluation process developed, forms created, and implemented.

100% of faculty and staff evaluations completed.

C. Align salaries during annual budgeting process to stay competitive and retain qualified staff.

Fall 2018

Fall 2020


VP of Business Affairs

Fall 2018: Analyze salary variances to formalize plan of implementation.

Spring 2019: 50% of goal reached.

Spring 2020: 100% of goal reached.

Initiative 2.2: The College will focus on faculty and staff development.

Action Plan Start Date Completion
Cost Responsibility Performance Indicator

A. Provide annual training for all faculty and staff on cultural competence, sensitivity training, ethics, diversity, and/or team building.

Fall 2017

Spring 2022


Director of Counseling Center

AY17-18: 1 event

AY18-19: 2 events

AY19-20: 2 events

AY20-21: 2 events

B. Maintain personnel records of professional development participation for 90% of employees.

Fall 2018

Spring 2022


VP of Business Affairs

Fall,18: implement process for employees to report professional development to HR and tracking system within systems

Fall,19-22 update, review and report on faculty and staff development

C. Develop Individual Development Plans (IDPs) for all faculty and staff.

Fall 2017

Spring 2018


VP of Business Affairs

VP of Academic and Student Affairs

Handbook containing process and forms developed and implemented.

Initiative 2.3: The College will develop and/or update policies and procedures.

Action Plan Start Date Completion
Cost Responsibility Performance Indicator

A. Develop a comprehensive institutional planning framework.

Fall 2019

Spring 2020


Director of Institutional Research

Assessment Council

Framework developed and implemented.

B. Review and/or update all departmental and campus-wide policies and procedures.

Fall 2017

Spring 2020


Administrative Council

Annually review and update policies

Priority Three – Enrollment and Retention Goal

Initiative 3.1: The College will increase FTE built on reputation as a welcoming community for diverse cultures.

Action Plan Start Date Completion
Cost Responsibility Performance Indicator

A. Expand recruiting populations.

Fall 2017

Spring 2022


Director of Admissions

VP of Academic & Student Affairs

  1. Add 2 new HS annually.
  2. Attend 10 corporate education events. Adding one new event/year.
  3. Send 1 admissions counselor to the CUBE (College Connections Conference) each year.
  4. Each admissions counselor will develop 5 new contacts within assigned territories.
  5. Attend Catholic homeschool conference as a vendor, annually.
  6. Admissions counselors will attend Catholic College Fair Week.
  7. Admissions counselors attend 5 events annually with faculty support.

B. Create early enrollment incentives and events.

Fall 2017

Spring 2022


Director of Student Success

2 new incentives per academic year.

C. Increase FTE to 500.

Fall 2017 Spring 2022 $10,000/year

Director of Admissions

Director of Student Success

  1. Each counselor will attend a minimum of 20 high school visits per semester (total of 200 high school visits).
  2. Each counselor will attend a minimum of 5 college fairs (total of 25 college fairs).
  3. Director of Admissions will attend 10 corporate recruitment events each year.
  4. Each counselor will make 10 recruitment phone calls, texts, or emails (to parents or students) per day (250 calls per week).
  5. Donnelly College will host at least 10 high school group visits per year.

D. Maintain student to faculty ratio of 15:1.

Fall 2017 Spring 2022 $15,000/year VP of Academic and Student Affairs

Student to faculty ratio annually not greater than 15:1.

E. Develop and annually review a recruitment plan.

Fall 2017 Spring 2022 N/A

Director of Admissions

 VP of Academic and Student Affairs

Plan developed.

Annually reviewed (Fall).

Annually updated (Spring).

F. Add a second PN cohort.

Fall 2018 Spring 2021 $12,000 Director of Nursing

Second PN cohort approval received by Fall 2019.

Second started by Fall 2020.

G. Increase course offerings at Lansing Correctional Facility leading to an AAS with concentration in Business.

Fall 2017 Spring 2019 $12,000

Academic Chairperson, Business & Technology

Coordinator, Lansing Correctional Facility

Curriculum and course rotation developed and implemented.

H. Receive approval and start an Associate Degree of Nursing (ADN/RN).

Fall 2017 Spring 2018 N/A Director of Nursing

Program approval by Fall 2017.

First cohort started in Spring 2018.

I. Expand CCN program.

Fall 2018 Spring 2019 $5,000 VP of Academic and Student Affairs

5% increase in enrollment each academic year.

J. Redesign and expand institutional scholarship and aid programs.

Fall 2017 Spring 2020 $500,000

VP of Business Affairs

VP for Advancement

Director of Financial Aid

Annual review of endowed scholarships and plan annual need.

Seek new scholarship opportunities.

Initiative 3.2: The College will maintain or increase retention of students to match or exceed the national standard for two-year colleges.

Action Plan Start Date Completion
Cost Responsibility Performance Indicator

A. Train and enforce mandatory attendance policy.

Fall 2017

Spring 2018


VP of Academic and Student Affairs

100% of courses have at least 75% of current attendance recorded.

B. Formalize and annually review an Enrollment Management Plan.

Fall 2017

Spring 2022


Director of Student Success

Plan developed by Fall 2017.

Plan reviewed and updated every spring (ending Spring 2022).

C. Train faculty and staff on policy and procedures of the early alert system.

Spring 2018 Spring 2022 $1,000/year Director of Student Success

Information sessions delivered twice/year (Fall and Spring College-wide workshops).

D. Train faculty and staff on best practices for retention.

Spring 2018 Spring 2022 $1,500/year Director of Student Success

Information session delivered once a year during the Fall semester.

Initiative 3.3: The College will increase persistence among students.

Action Plan Start Date Completion
Cost Responsibility Performance Indicator

A. Continue and improve proactive advising.

Fall 2017

Spring 2022


Director of Student Services

Implement proactive advising strategies.

B. Establish “Fifteen-to-Finish” incentives.

Fall 2018

Spring 2019


Director of Student Services

Incentives offered.

C. Grow transfer pathways.

Fall 2017

Spring 2022


VP of Academic and Student Affairs

1 new transfer pathway per year.

D. Connect students early with career opportunities in their field of interest.

Fall 2017

Spring 2022


Director of Student Success

VP of Academic & Student Affairs

Provide three student events per semester for career interest.

E. Improve completion rates.

Fall 2017 Spring 2022 $5,000

Director of Student Success

VP of Academic & Student Affairs

2% completion rate increase per year (IPEDS).

Initiative 3.4: The College will maintain, cultivate, and grow external relationships.

Action Plan Start Date Completion
Cost Responsibility Performance Indicator

A. Host high school counselors to broaden student recruitment.

Fall 2017

Spring 2022


VP of Academic and Student Affairs

Director of Admissions

Host one lunch meeting in the Fall semester.

B. Foster community, church and business leaders to provide internships, service learning projects and instructors.

Fall 2018

Spring 2022


Academic Program Directors

AY18-19:  3 projects

AY19-20:  3 projects

AY20-21:  4 projects

AY21-22:  5 projects

C. Develop alumni and donors for institutional support.

Fall 2018

Spring 2022


VP for Advancement

Revise & Execute Stewardship Plan

D. Invest in marketing campaign.

Fall 2018

Spring 2022


VP for Advancement

Director of Marketing

Approve funding.

Define 3-yr campaign plan.

Refine and Execute plan annually

FY 17-18 -

Priority Four – Finance and Facilities Improvement

Initiative 4.1: The College will complete Campus Master Plan.

Action Plan Start Date Completion
Cost Responsibility Performance Indicator

A. Complete Marian Hall renovations.

Summer 2017

Fall 2017


VP of Business Affairs

Renovations completed and space available for use.

B. Payoff existing debt.

Fall 2017

Spring 2022


VP of Business Affairs

Reduction of debt each year.

C. Expand fundraising plan and expenses to complete capital campaign.

Fall 2017

Fall 2019


VP for Advancement

Approve funding.

Define 3-yr campaign plan. ET

Refine and Execute plan annually

FY 17-18 

D. Complete construction for new academic/administrative building.

Fall 2018

Spring 2020


*Revised to $21,000,000 in Spring 2018

VP of Business Affairs
  1. July 2018 city approval of campus master plan (Phase III);
  2. September 2018 city construction permits secured
  3. Secure Financing by Fall 2018
  4. Begin Phase III Construction Winter 2018 

E. Provide centralized student services.

Fall 2018 Spring 2022 $20,000

Director of Student Success


  1. Refine programming plan with architects. July 2018
  2. New Building constructed (see 4.1D)

F. Adopt comprehensive facilities management plan.

Fall 2020 Spring 2022 $100,000/year VP of Business Affairs

Once new building/campus is build, develop facilities plan with spending estimates and execute plan

G. Research and secure options for student housing.

Fall 2020 Spring 2022 $50,000

VP of Business Affairs

VP of Advancement

VP of Academic & Student Affairs

5 options fully researched and compared.

Funding secured.

Initiative 4.2: The College will improve annual budgeting process.

Action Plan Start Date Completion
Cost Responsibility Performance Indicator

A. Involve director level staff and faculty in developing their program budgets.

Spring 2018

Spring 2022


VP of Business Affairs

Budget requests from Directors used in process.

B. Use assessment data and align with strategic objectives.

Fall 2017

Spring 2022


Assessment Council
VP of Academic & Student Affairs

Consult with Program Chairs to align Assessment data with budgetary decisions.

Initiative 4.3: The College will improve financial reporting.

Action Plan Start Date Completion
Cost Responsibility Performance Indicator

A. Upgrade accounting software.

Spring 2018

Fall 2018


VP of Business Affairs

Software implementation

B. Assign restricted grants and donations ledger accounts for improved tracking and reporting.

Spring 2019

Fall 2020


VP of Business Affairs

Rework of GL Account structure to include tracking of grants.

Setup completed

Results survey to determine effectiveness.

Initiative 4.4: The College will increase revenue from all sources.

Action Plan Start Date Completion
Cost Responsibility Performance Indicator

A. Increase tuition revenue as a percentage of overall revenue.

Spring 2018

Spring 2022


VP of Business Affairs

VP of Academic and Student Affairs

Increase in budgeted tuition revenue

B. Reduce dependence on annual fund for operating budget by 10% annually (offset by increase in tuition and investment revenue).

Fall 2017

Spring 2022


VP of Business Affairs

VP of Advancement

VP of Academic and Student Affairs

Reduction of 10% in annual fund contributions.

C. Increase endowment funds by 50%.

Fall 2017 Spring 2022 $4,000,000 VP for Advancement

Endowed funds increased by 50%, with goal of $650,000 annually.

Initiative 4.5: The College will develop and implement a plan to update/improve technology.

Action Plan Start Date Completion
Cost Responsibility Performance Indicator

A. Increase budget to support scheduled equipment and software upgrades.

Spring 2018

Fall 2020


VP of Business Affairs

Director of IT

Technology Plan with Projected Cost

Equipment Replacement

B. Improve SIS and LMS functionality to increase efficiencies, improve student support, and provide accurate and timely assessment data.

Fall 2017

Summer 2018


VP of Business Affairs

VP of Academic and Student Affairs

Director of IT

SIS installed.

LMS installed.

Mapping the Initiatives to the Institutional Goals


1. Cultivate support for the institutional mission and communicate accomplishments.





2. Strengthen the culture of academic, financial, and social integrity.







3. Expand conversations of cultural diversity, equality, and inclusion among the campus and surrounding communities within the context of Catholic belief.






4. Focus on providing consistent and quality educational programs with emphasis on transferability, employability, and development of the whole person.





5. Identify and prioritize improvements in infrastructure and resources to support education programs and student services.







6. Integrate cultural competence and facilitate community, service learning, and spiritual formation across academic and co-curricular programs.






7. Improve the commitment to the value and use of assessment for the continuous improvement of programs and services.






8. Maintain appropriate and attainable goals for student recruitment, retention, persistence, and completion of programs.







9. Operate on a balanced budget while improving working capital and generating reserves.







10. Responsibly manage the resources entrusted to the institution.





